TankGrrl - Annotations On Life

May 14, 2003   (You probably expected to be here.)
  Our house, in the middle of our... puddle  

This is our shire. It is partially under water. Fortunately, we live at the top of the hill (behind the ambulance and up the road). It's been raining almost non-stop for the past two days and some roads are/were flooded. It's actually fortunate that Sarah is sick (except for the being sick part... *frown*) or she'd have had to trudge through the wet to catch the train.


I'm making good progress on work. I'm pretty excited about it and Sarah says it looks great.

Sarah's iBook is in need of repair (not to worry, it has about 2.5 years of AppleCare left on it). We need to get it to an Apple store soon. Having a car would be a plus in that regard. Especially with the weather. They don't just mail you a box here like the US does. Her screen goes black if it's moved too far and it takes some monkeying to get it [the screen] to come on sometimes. We need a monitor (The one we have is an old 640x480-only unit ). I need to check eBay to see what's new.

I've been sucked into Big Brother. The shame... I don't wanna talk about it...

I wanted to watch a movie tonight. Sarah's gone to bed. I still haven't found a movie to watch though. Too much on my mind.

Wil. Book. Overseas shipping. Come on, buddy, pal, bubba. Pleeeeease. Hurry! hehehe
Errrr... sorry... don't mean to whinge... (but pleeeeease) ;)

Oh oh oh I need to tell my Krispy Kreme doughnuts box story (and, they were yummy). I'll do that soon.

UPDATE: *GASP!* An email virus? Spread by Microsoft Outlook? That's 'unpossible'! http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/13/1052591767028.html
(Hi, Intel. Having fun today? Bet this isn't 'where you wanted to go today'.)

Posted by Maggie at May 14, 2003 10:49 PM Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

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