TankGrrl - Annotations On Life

July 28, 2004   (You probably expected to be here.)
  Thieves In The Temple  

Anita Bryant did more to harm gays, especially in Florida, in the late 70s than most hate mongers do in a lifetime. And she did it using that time honored tool; hiding behind God. If you say you're a "good Christian" and preach against something, anything, you seem to get an automatic seal of approval from the, shall we say, 'easily swayed' masses. As long as you say you're good, then you're good. No wonder this Satan character has such an easy time infiltrating the homes and lives of the yokels. All he has to do is lie, something he's supposed to be the Prince of.

Anita was pious. She preached. She did orange juice commercials. She preached some more. She pointed a well-manicured finger at all manners of ill. Mostly, though, at gays. The National Lampoon, in a cartoon I'd dearly love to re-vamp for today, took some of the wind out of her, but the damage was done.

By her side was Ellis Rubin, a lawyer who rode the tide of fire and brimstone Bryant spewed out before him. Together they went after gays, pretty much starting the whole misguided and false 'child molester' stereotype that is still wielded today. They over-turned Dade County Florida's ground-breaking gay rights ordinance in 1977 and did a lot of damage the availability of adoptions to gay couples.

But it catches up with you, and by 1980 Anita was a pariah. Her marriage was in shambles, despite the rosy picture you saw on your Florida orange juice ads, the southern Baptists had voted her down in her bid for office at their convention, and the press was calling her names. Hurricane Anita was the nicest of the name. Some couldn't be printed.

So, where is Ellis Rubin? Mr. Rubin has seen the light, so to speak. He's come full circle and is fighting for, often for free, gay couples in Florida and gay rights in general. That's right, the man who so viciously attacked us is now behind us. He's found a new outlook, come to atone for the pain he caused. He's taking on DOMA and he's become senior legal counsel for The Equality Campaign. I salute you Mr. Rubin. For your courage and for your ability to say 'I was wrong' and to do something to make it right again.
Former Lawyer For Anti-Gay Group Joins Gay Marriage Advocates

And, so, where is Anita? Well, she's been a lot of places outside of Florida, once she found home was a bit too hot in ways she never imagined. Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Branson, Missouri. She's been to all these places, singing and preaching. And like a Good Christian she's left behind a wake of unpaid workers, taxes, vendors and some bankruptcy. Wait... that's not what Good Christians do... But Anita has. She and new husband Charlie Dry are comfortably ensconced in the $350k home they're leasing, paid for on time, while those who worked for them lose their homes and cars and apartments. Their new legacy is to hurt and harm those who believe in the 'Good Christian' values they insist they embody.
Bankruptcy, ill will plague Bryant

And now the ACLU is hoping to overturn the ban on gay adoption that Florida, under Anita Bryant's Christian banner, enacted in 1977. The truth will out. What goes around comes around. And the thieves in the temple will be thrown out.

Ellis Rubin will not be among them. Anita Bryant already is.

Posted by Maggie at July 28, 2004 03:02 PM Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

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