TankGrrl - Annotations On Life

March 19, 2003   (You probably expected to be here.)
  VH1 doesn't like Macs  

VH1 has callously and bluntly shut the door to Mac users.
Considering the surge of users moving to Mac OSX and the fact that, despite being a small part of the market, we are still millions strong VH1 isn't even trying.
Wanna do your part to make our voice heard in corporate media world?

A campaign has started up after this short exchange

So help out!
Send mail to help@vh1mail.com
You can use John's form letter (below) if you'd like.

Dear VH1,

As a Macintosh user I tried visiting your site, and so have many other Mac users, with a variety of browser formats (Internet Explorer, Camino/Netscape/Mozilla) and unfortunately we -- and there are many of us -- were unable to properly view your videos. While you are seemingly supporting semi-standard media formats like Windows Media and Real Media, which can play in Mac OS, for some reason these videos are unplayable on our systems. Not to mention the fact that the site doesn't seem to work properly on Mac OS (OS X). This is troubling since Mac OS X is built on the Unix foundation and fully supports industry standard protocols, including java, html, tcp/ip and so on.

Why is your site unfairly discriminating against Mac users? Surely you don't want to deny anyone access to your website? Surely we 30 million+ Mac users deserve more than this? Surely you would rather have a website that supports open standards and would allow access by any user, including Linux, Unix, FreeBSD and Mac OS X? Windows users may be the majority, but I would hope that the millions of other users are not just second-class citizens. Please take this into consideration. We would like to visit your site, and help support VH1 but given the situation as it stands we are unable to properly do so at this time due to the aforementioned.

[your name]

Posted by Maggie at March 19, 2003 05:35 PM Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

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