TankGrrl - Annotations On Life

December 05, 2002   (You probably expected to be here.)

Beet Root
OK 'Mericans. Get this. You know "beets"? Like you might find sliced for you by your grandma at Thanksgiving? Beets. Reddish, sorta tart sorta sweet. Well they have these big beets here that slice up pretty large. And... they serve them up on burgers. You can go to Maca's (McDonalds) and get what amounts to a Big Mac with a slice of beetroot (or beet root) on it. It's more common than not. If you go to a shop that sells burgers and order a burger of some sort it will 'most likely' have beetroot on it. (This will help explain a scene in "The Nugget" if you happen to catch it some time. Funny movie. Eric Bana is a deadset legend. hehe But he'll suck as The Hulk, mark my words.)

"It is the Lord! It is the Messiah of all belly whackers!" - Lano and Woodley
(Woodley after witnessing a belly whakcer/belly flop from the 3rd platform of a diving tower.)

PS - John Howard is so far up George Bush's ass it's a wonder he hasn't come out the other end.

PPS - Parliament is funny. In a ludicrous/surreal sort of way. The things they say to each other... *shakes head*

PPSS - The view from our veranda.

Posted by Maggie at December 05, 2002 11:24 PM Comments (0)

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